1. Formulate the Research Methods of your selected topic. Based on the chosen methods, please ensure that your incorporate all appropriate elements. 2. Post your Research Methods.3. Then, read the posts submitted by two other classmates and provide meaningful feedback for improvement.
Role of Opioid Education for the Youth (Week 7)
There are set ways that the government is using to create awareness of the opioid crisis. Some of these methods are, there have been a wide range of adverts and TV commercials that show the effect that opioid abuse can have on a human being. These commercials are not directed to a specific group but instead they are being used to create awareness in this way: when parents and guardians watch the commercials and get informed on what signs they should look for to know if someone is under opioid abuse (Knaggs, 2019). This can help parents and guardians in spotting their affected youth, relatives and neighbors and help them get though their addiction or even seek for professional help. The commercials can also aid youths to discover how harmful opioids can be to a human body if they are induced for recreational purposes.The government has also introduced education of the youth about opioid abuse and addictions. The schools are keen on teaching the youths on the dangers of using the substances as well as offering help for those who are already affected by opioid abuse. This education is meant to encourage and congratulate those who are free of the substances and at the same time giving hope to those who are already in the practice. It gives them hope of reforming and getting over their addiction. This so far has worked positively and have seen a lot of youth reforming and engaging in positive and conducive activities (Burgos-Chapman, Trevisan, & Sevarino, 2016).
What the professor said: “You have incorrectly completed this section. You need to explain the steps you took in order to complete your research, the tools you used and how you handled those tools. The method is about your research and not about other people’s research! Most probably you used a meta-analysis method. Please read samples submitted by other classmates, which I approved. Also, you may check practice that we completed in class.” This is a clear example of plagiarism. Please fix and resubmit.