Rasmussen College Microbes and Their Impact on The Human Environment Research Paper
Question Description
Define the word ubiquitous, and provide examples showing why this is an appropriate term to use when describing microbes.
You are a researcher researching Zika virus, a mosquito-borne pathogen. The number of cases of Zika have skyrocketed over the past few months and the weather service has recorded the data showing that this summer has been the wettest in the past 50 years. Using the scientific method, develop a sound hypothesis explaining the increase in disease cases and a method for testing this hypothesis.
Humans have learned through history how to use the abilities of microbes to their advantage. Considering ways that we use them (not how they naturally have become part of our microflora), describe 3 methods used in the environment, industry, and in our daily lives.
Describe the personal protective equipment you use in the laboratory and why it is necessary. Include procedures you use to protect both yourself and the microbe from contamination.