How are trauma and genetics related?
What is a specific example (an actual gene) of a gene related to trauma experience? How is the gene related to trauma? What does it mean to have different SNPs of the gene? (you may want to use SNPedia here.
- What is does the field of epigenetics study?
- How does epigenetics vary from our classical knowledge of how genes work? Think about what it means for gene expression to be regulated.
- How can epigenetics produce changes in gene expression without actually changing the genetic “code” of life? Please provide technical examples, such as how methylation can affect expression, etc…
- How can trauma affect both the individual that experiences it, and also, the children of that person? Please use examples from Yehuda et al., and the “The Ghost in Your Genes” video.
- Finally, how are some people better equipped, genetically, to handle trauma? Do you think we must consider this when dealing with individuals who have experienced trauma?