Question Description
Analysis question
Select one of the following scenarios:
• You are a project manager reporting to the President of a large professional organization, the International Society of Circus Acrobats. Six months from now ISCA will hold its annual convention. Normally the convention attracts 5,000 members. Most of them arrive by car, either in their own vehicle or in a rental. Your team has been assigned to arrange the event, and you have announced that it will be held at the Grand Imperial Hotel in the seaside resort of Paradise Shores. The contract with the hotel is still under negotiation. One of the ISCA members who lives near Paradise Shores has just sent you an e-mail with some interesting news. According to this member, last fall most of Paradise Shores was flooded after a hurricane. Engineers have recently discovered structural damage in the foundations of many buildings. Some buildings have needed to close for repairs. The Grand Imperial Hotel is on a hill and was not flooded, but its parking garage nearby was under four feet of water. The garage has not been inspected yet, and the engineers are scheduled to conduct their tests soon. The ISCA member is concerned that the garage will need repairs and will not be available during your conference.
• You are a project manager reporting to the Director of Construction of a real estate development company. Your team has been assigned to manage the construction of a new luxury lodge in a wilderness area. Excavation has begun for the foundation of the building. Your General Contractor has just received a phone call from the head of a local environmental group informing him that the grounds of the lodge may include the nesting area of some birds belonging to an endangered species. The species of bird is protected under the law and there are financial penalties for harming them. The environmental group has demanded that construction cease immediately, and they plan to launch a social media campaign and hold a press conference denouncing the luxury lodge.
For the situation you choose, describe the Cause, the Uncertainty/Risk, the Effect, the Project Consequences, and the Trigger using standard Risk Metalanguage. Name the four response strategies, and then for each strategy describe the actions you would take to implement it and indicate whether it is proactive or reactive. (Use the back of the worksheet page if necessary.)
2.Optional bonus essay question (5 points):
According an article published in The New York Times on September 21, 2017, many recent problems Facebook has encountered could be addressed by creating a risk department to collaborate with engineers in evaluating new projects. Imagine that Facebook has decided to do so, and that the company has hired you as a consultant to establish a new risk management function. Based upon your lessons learned in this course, describe the actions you would take and explain how they would improve the situation. (Use additional paper and write your name on each page. Please write on only one side of the page.)