Project Theme
Your team is working on the HSN EMR project and you have noticed you need to procure various items and/or activities.
Assignment 2 Details
Produce and submit a document or documents providing the following details in the order they are presented here.
1.Each file must begin with a list of names (name 1,2,3, and 4)of each team member for marking purposes.
2.Write a Simplified RFP requesting proposals from sellers for equipment (hardware or software) and/ or activities (like hiring an IT technician for installation). Remember the equipment procurement needs to be large enough to justify going through the RFP (competitive formal) process.
3.Inculde a description of your imagined transition to digitized EMRs focused on details that are related to timing and scheduling, or that may be used to reason through time management processes.
4.State any and all assumptions as a numbered list.
5.Complete and include in your RFP a Source Selection Criteria table with at least three (3) Criteria. How will you select qualified sellers? What does your team want to optimize when selecting the list of sellers who can respond to your RFP?
For this assignment, only reason through these specific outputs as they pertain to the theme objective. You may use the output of other processes in other courses as placeholder inputs, or you may use your collective imagination for inputs. What is being evaluated is your ability to reason through and apply these time management processes only.