Question Description
I’m working on a writing multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.
All the appropriate answers will be found from the textbook, Are You Listening? by Lisa Burman.
Please answer the following questions in your own words. If you choose to write your answers, please make
sure that they are legible. You do not need to rewrite the question, just make sure you number your answers
appropriately. Please give the corresponding page number to the answer that you give.
Please make sure you staple your papers together and have your name on each paper.
1. According to Lisa, Why is conversation important to learning?. Please explain how each connects to
your theory of how children learn.
2. Lisa states that conversations engage the thinking of young children when they have these 7
characteristics. What are they, and give an example of each?
3. Thinking seriously and carefully about your learning environment, name the six considerations for
planning that environment that nurtures conversations for learning, and explain how you would accomplish
4. Lisa states that specific strategies for facilitating conversations will help understand your childrens
a.) One of them is Listening Carefully (which includes five areas of intent.) According to Lisa, what
does that mean you need to do? Please give an example of how you would use each of these in your
b.) Asking Good Questions (which includes 4 areas of intent) is another. According to Lisa, what
does that mean you need to do? Please give examples of how you would use each of these in your
c.) Helping Children Develop Conversational Skills (which includes four areas of intent) is also
another strategy Lisa suggests. What does that mean you need to do? Please give examples of how
you would use each of these in your classroom.
5. Strategies to collecting and documenting childrens conversations are an important part of working
with young children. What are the four that Lisa discusses and explain each?
6. What are Lisas tips for supporting you in transcribing conversations?
7. Lisa states her strategies for interpreting childrens words. What are they and give examples of how
you would use each?
8. According to Lisa, interpreting your role as a teacher is done for what reason?
9. Lisa suggests that when children play and interact with materials, they create symbols to represent
their ideas, their thinking, and their images of things. As their teacher, what should you do to when it comes
to symbolic languages? Explain each.
10. What are the three main purposes for documenting conversations with young children? What are they
and please give examples of how you would use each in your classroom?