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Kwantlen Polytechnic University War of 1812 Paper

Kwantlen Polytechnic University War of 1812 Paper

History Assignment #2History

Your task is to use the sources listed below and your own research (five sources) to develop a ten-page, argumentative essay (2000 words) on one of the topics listed below. To be considered complete, your assignment must have the following:

Clear thesis statement with strong supporting evidence

Correct essay form and structure; clear concise writing

Correct footnotes and bibliography (Chicago Manual of Style)

Evidence that five new academic sources have been successfully researched and correctly cited

Evidence that all ten sources have been consulted and information successfully incorporated into the essay

Your essay should, at a minimum, discuss each individual topic’s themes and concerns

Assignment is due in class the week of November 6

(Paper Copy, Not Electronic)

100 Points total (See marking sheet). Will be scaled to 25% of final grade

Students can develop their own topics. Please see the instructor.

I strongly discourage you from using Google, Wikipedia, Youtube, or other internet sources for this assignment. Use the KPU library; it is your best friend for this assignment.


Essay Formatting:

Name, Student Number and Course Name in the top right-hand corner of the first page

No need for title pages or cover sheets (just one staple)

Double Space all writing

12-point size text; font is Times New Roman

2.54cm (1-inch) margins all round

Topic #1: The Cariboo Gold Rush in British Columbia – 1858-1863

What was life like for the people involved in the British Columbia Gold Rush? Problems, concerns, conflicts? Successes and failures?

Required Sources:

Thomas Thorner, ed., “A Few Acres of Snow: Documents in Pre-Confederation Canadian History (Peterborough: Broadview Press, 2003), Chapter 14 “’A Great Humbug’: British Columbia’s Gold Rushes” pages 341-71. (KPU Library, online e-Book).

Robin Fisher, Contact and Conflict: Indian-European Relations in British Columbia (Vancouver: UBC Press, 1992), Chapter 5 “Gold Miners and Settlers,” pages 95-118. (KPU Library, online e-Book).


Agnes Laut, The Cariboo Trail: A Chronicle of the Gold Fields of British Columbia (Toronto: Glasgow Books, 1916), Chapter 7 “Life at the Mines” is the best chapter, but other chapters may prove useful as well. (KPU Library, online e-Book).

Barry Gough, Britannia’s Navy on the West Coast of North America, 1812-1914 (Toronto: Heritage House Publishing Company 2016), Chapter Six “Gold Rush Crises.” (KPU Library, online e-Book).

Margaret A. Ormsby, ed., A Pioneer Gentlewoman in British Columbia (Vancouver: UBC Press, 1999) Chapter 1 “Some Recollections of a Pioneer of the Sixties.” (KPU Library, online e-Book).

Recommended but not required book available in KPU library:

Tina Loo, Making law, order, and authority in British Columbia, 1821-1871 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1994) (KPU Library, Book)

Topic #2: The War of 1812

Who won and who lost the war of 1812? How and why?

Why was/is the war so important culturally, both in the past and today?

Required Sources:

Jennifer Crump, Canada on Fire: The War of 1812 (Toronto: Dundurn Press, 2011). (KPU Library, online e-Book).

George Sheppard, Plunder, Profit and Paroles: A Social History of the War of 1812 in Upper Canada (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press,


1994). (KPU Library, online e-Book).

Carl Benn, The Iroquois in the War of 1812 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1998). (KPU Library, online e-Book).

Donald R. Hickey, The War of 1812: A Short History (Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 2012. (KPU Library, online e-Book).

Infobase for PBS, The War of 1812 (New York, 2011). (KPU Library, 2hour video)

Recommended but not required book available in KPU library:

J.M. Hitsman, The Incredible War of 1812 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1965). This remains the best source for the War of 1812. (KPU Library, Book).

Topic #3: The Women of New France

What was life like for the women of the colony of New France?

Problems, concerns, conflicts? Successes and failures? Limitations?

Required Sources:

Jan Noel, “Women in New France,” Canadian Historical Association Booklet No. 59, 1998. (


Roger Gannon and Rosalind Gill, trans. Quebec Women: A History (Toronto: Women’s Press 1987). (See Chapters 1-7). (KPU Library, online e-Book).

Isabel Foulché-Delbosc, “Women of New France: (Three Rivers: 1651-1711),” The Canadian Historical Review 21, 2 (June 1940): 132-149.

Denyse Baillargeon, A Brief History of Women in Quebec (Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2014) (KPU Library, online e-Book).

Micheline Dumont, “Girls’ Schooling in Quebec, 1639-1960,” Canadian Historical Association Booklet No. 49, 1990. (

Recommended but not required book available in KPU library:

Karen Anderson, Chain her by one foot: The Subjugation of Women in Seventeenth-Century New France (New York: Routledge, 1991). (KPU Library, book).

Topic #4: The Aboriginal Peoples of Canada and Disease Epidemics

How did disease epidemics (small pox, tuberculosis, measles) affect the Aboriginal peoples of western Canada and British Columbia?

Make sure to write about the cultural, economic, social and political effects in your answer.

Note: make sure you answer focuses on pre-Confederation Canada (before 1867) and western Canada and BC.


Required Sources:

James Daschuk, Clearing the Plains: Disease, Politics of Starvation, and the Loss of Aboriginal Life (Regina: University of Regina Press, 2013). (KPU Library, online e-Book).

Paul Hackett, A Very Remarkable Sickness: Epidemics in the Petit Nord, 1670-1846 (Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 2002). (KPU Library, online e-Book).

C. Stuart Houston, “The First Smallpox Epidemic on the Canadian Plains: In the Fur-traders’ Words,” The Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases 11, 2 (March 2000): 112-115.…

Cole Harris, The Resettlement of British Columbia: Essays on Colonialism and Geographical Change (Vancouver: UBC Press, 1997) Chapter 1 “Voices of Smallpox around the Strait of Georgia.” (KPU Library, online e-Book).

John Belshaw, Becoming British Columbia: A Population History (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2009), Chapter 3 “The West We Have Lost: First Nations Depopulation.”

Recommended reading but not required:

Olive Dickason, Canada’s First Nations: A History of Founding Peoples from Earliest Times (Don Mills: Oxford University Press, 2002). (KPU Library, Book).


Citing Sources in History & Asian Studies PapersA Quick Guide to Chicago StyleReferencing, Academic Honesty, What to Cite: Plagiarism or academic dishonesty can take many forms including presenting other people’s text andideas as if they were your own, submitting a paper that you did not write, or submitting a paper thatwas substantially re-written by someone else (this includes editing services). You may not use a paper you wrote for one course in another course. You MUST acknowledge the sources of all your information and any ideas, arguments, orinterpretations you have taken from other works. These acknowledgements are placed in footnotesor endnotes (see below). In the bibliography you acknowledge all of the sources you consulted inproducing the work. Always provide a footnote for the following types of information: quotations (the note followsthe quotation immediately); statistics; ideas attributed to another person/group (e.g., Mayanastronomers believed that the fifth and final cycle of the world would end in the year 2012 – youmust footnote this unless you have personally interviewed a Mayan astronomer); or theories takenfrom other authors.General Guide to Chicago-Style Citations:1. Use of footnotes or endnotes.a. Footnotes and endnotes are used to indicate the exact source of every quotation used, and toacknowledge the opinions of others incorporated into the work.b. Always include the exact page on which your information appears.c. Footnotes/endnotes should be numbered consecutively throughout the paper and thenumber should be slightly above the line of text (superscript numbers).d. If a work is cited more than once, the first note should contain the full citation (see exampleson reverse), while subsequent notes may include only the author’s surname, a shortenedform of the title, and the new page number (this is the “short form” footnote; see examples).e. Titles of books and journals are ALWAYS italicized. Titles of works within larger works(chapter within a book, article within a journal) are in quotation marks.f. Footnotes will appear at the bottom of the page, while endnotes will appear on a separatepage, before the bibliography, at the end of the essay (with the heading Endnotes at top ofpage – not “Works Cited”).g. Notes should be single-spaced. Notes should have 1.5 or 2 spaces between each note. Indentfirst line of footnote/endnote five spaces.h. Do not use “ibid.” or any other Latin abbreviation.i. DO NOT USE MLA or APA-style internal/in-paragraph (…) citations.j. Notes may also be used …12. Include a Bibliography at the end of the paper, with sources listed in alphabetical order by lastname of the author. Do not number the entries.a. A Bibliography is a list of all sources that were consulted for the work. This should be thefinal page of the paper.b. Your instructor may ask you to “annotate” your bibliography. An Annotated Bibliographyincludes a very brief description under each source explaining the contents of the source andhow it was used in your research. (NOTE: This is not the same thing as a literature review.)1 …in order to provide additional information which would otherwise have necessitated parentheses. These are calledinformational footnotes.Basic Citation ExamplesType ofSourceBibliography entry Long form citation/note entry Short noteBook Erickson, John, and David Dilks.Barbarossa: the Axis and the Allies.Edinburgh: Edinburgh UniversityPress, 1994.1John Erickson and David Dilks,Barbarossa: The Axis and the Allies(Edinburgh, 1994), 127.iErickson and Dilks,Barbarossa, 127.Article inan EditedVolumeJacobs, J. Bruce. “’Taiwanization’ inTaiwan’s Politics.” In Cultural,Ethnic, and Political Nationalism inContemporary Taiwan, edited byJohn Makeham and A-Chin Hsaiu.New York: Palgrave, 2005.2Bruce Jacobs, “’Taiwanization’ inTaiwan’s Politics,” in J. Makeham andA.C. Hsaiu, eds., Cultural, Ethnic, andPolitical Nationalism in ContemporaryTaiwan (New York, 2005), 18.Jacobs,“’Taiwanization’,” 18.Journal orMagazineArticleWeinberg, Gerhard L. “UnexploredQuestions about the GermanMilitary During World War II.” TheJournal of Military History 62, no. 2(1998): 371-380.ii3Gerhard Weinberg, “UnexploredQuestions about the German MilitaryDuring World War II,” Journal ofMilitary History 62, no. 2 (1998): 379.Weinberg, “UnexploredQuestions,” 379.Book withmore thanone authorCoates, Ken, and William Morrison.The Sinking of the Princess Sophia:Taking the North Down with Her.Toronto: University of TorontoPress, 1990.4Ken Coates and William Morrison, TheSinking of the Princess Sophia: Takingthe North Down with Her (Toronto,1990), 35-38.Coates and Morrison,The Sinking, 35-38.Lecture Hayes, Jack. “Romanticism, theSublime, and Early NatureMovements.” HIST 3180 lecture,Kwantlen Polytechnic University,Surrey, BC, February 20, 2018.5Jack Hayes, “Romanticism, theSublime, and Early Nature Movements”(lecture, Kwantlen PolytechnicUniversity, Surrey, February 20, 2018).Hayes, “Romanticism”lecture.Videos orfilmsLee, Ang, dir. Brokeback Mountain.With Heath Ledger, Jake Gyllenhaal,& Michelle Williams. Los Angeles,CA: Focus Features, River RoadEntertainment, 2005. Film.6Brokeback Mountain, directed by AngLee (Los Angeles, 2005), filmiii.Brokeback Mountainfilm.Web site Granatstein, Jack. “Canadians atVimy.”[accessed January 12, 2010].iv7Jack Granatstein, “Canadians at Vimy,”,accessed January 12, 2010.Granatstein, “Canadiansat Vimy,” [accessedJanuary 12, 2010].Databasesource(PrimarySource)Sumner, Charles. “Comments madein regards to ‘Bloody Kansas’.”Quoted in Essential Speeches,January 2, 2009, 0. Academic SearchPremier, EBSCOhost (8863238).v8Charles Sumner, “Comments made inregards to ‘Bloody Kansas’,” quoted inEssential Speeches, January 2, 2009, 0.Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost(8868238).Sumner, “Commentsmade,” 0.One sourcequoted inanotherMcDougall, John L. “The FrontierSchool and Canadian History.”Canadian Historical Association,Report of the Annual Meeting held atOttawa, May 22-23, 1929: 121.[list the source you consulted]9Frederick Jackson Turner, “TheSignificance of the Frontier inAmerican History” (1893), quoted inJohn L. McDougall, “The Frontier Schooland Canadian History”, CanadianHistorical Association, Report of theAnnual Meeting held at Ottawa May 22-23, 1929: 121.Frederick JacksonTurner, “TheSignificance of theFrontier in AmericanHistory” (1893), quotedin McDougall, “TheFrontier School,” 121.ArchivalSourcePartridge, Alden. Letter to JosephKnight, 19 November 1822. AldenPartridge Collection, KwantlenPolytechnic University Archives,Surrey Campus Library.10Alden Partridge, Letter to JosephKnight, November 19, 1822 (AldenPartridge Collection, KPU Archives).Partridge to Knight, 19November 1822.NewspaperArticleSullivan, Margaret. “Public Reactsto News of Pearl Harbor Bombingwith Disbelief.” The New York Times,December 8, 1941.[see footnote for further examples]11Margaret Sullivan, “Public Reacts toNews of Pearl Harbor Bombing withDisbelief,” The New York Times,December 8, 1941.viSullivan, “Public Reactsto News,” The New YorkTimes.Work byone author,translatedby anotherLévesque, René. Memoirs.Translated by Philip Stratford.Toronto: McClelland & Stewart,1986.12René Lévesque, Memoirs, trans. PhilipStratford (Toronto, 1986), 28.Lévesque, Memoirs, 28.BookWritten ina LanguageOther thanEnglishZola, Émile. Le Débâcle [TheDownfall]. Paris: BibliothèqueCharpentier, 1892.13Émile Zola, Le Débâcle [The Downfall](Paris, 1892), 25.Zola, Le Débâcle, 25.iIt is OK to include the publisher as well as publication location here, for example: …(Edinburgh: Edinburgh UniversityPress, 1994.). This is not, however, required in CMS.ii If the journal appears in print, you do not need to include the stable URL and date accessed, even if you read the articleonline. Online-only journals should always include a stable URL and access date at the end of the entry.iii or other mediums, for example, Film, CD, DVD, medium.iv The author or owner of a site may be found in a copyright notice. If no author can be found, list by the title of the siteor page.v This is an example of a primary source document reprinted in a Magazine (Essential Speeches) and then republished ina There are several ways of approaching newsprint citations. Standard CMS print version of newspaper articles arenoted above. However,Standard online newsprint citations should always include a stable URL in the bibliographic and footnote entry. Forexample:Bibliography: Clines, Francis X. “Rob Ford, America’s Mayor.” The New York Times, November 20, 2013. 1. Francis X. Clines, “Rob Ford, America’s Mayor,” The New York Times, November 20, 2013, print newspapers, and most large, standard online newspapers HAVE PAGE NUMBERS. When present, theyshould be included—many larger newspapers (and historical ones on microfiche) can easily run over 30 pages andeven as many as 70 pages (The New York Times, for example). If your instructor expects page numbers withnewsprint—use them! For example: page number and section:Bibliography: Sullivan, Margaret. “Public Reacts to News of Pearl Harbor Bombing with Disbelief.” The NewYork Times, Sec. A, p. 1, December 8, 1941.Footnote: xMargaret Sullivan, “Public Reacts to News of Pearl Harbor Bombing with Disbelief,” The New YorkTimes, Sec. A, p. 1, December 8, 1941.

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