Most psychotropic drug interactions, What is the connection between Parkinson Disease (PD) and schizophrenia from a neurotransmitter perspective,patient with paranoid delusions, experienced clinicians believe that TCAs are the best drugs for treating depression
Scenario 1: (Antipsychotic Drugs) Most psychotropic drug interactions occur as a result of the effects on the CYP-450 system. If an inhibitor of the CYP-450 3A4 enzyme were given (e.g. grapefruit juice) with psychotropic drugs metabolized by this enzyme (e.g. sertraline, bupropion, diazepam, haloperidol), what would be the effect? (Typically an entire grapefruit or 8 ounces of juice would be enough to trigger pharmacokinetic changes (Boyd & Luebbert, 2020; Keltner & Steele, 2019) ?
Scenario 2: (Antiparkinsonian Drugs) What is the connection between Parkinson Disease (PD) and schizophrenia from a neurotransmitter perspective (Boyd & Luebbert, 2020; Keltner & Steele, 2019) ?
Scenario 3: Suppose you are caring for a patient who needs medication but will not take it; for example, a patient with paranoid delusions might truly believe that you are poisoning her with the antipsychotic drug that has been prescribed for her. What are your logical and ethical grounds for nursing care in the situation (Boyd & Luebbert, 2020; Keltner & Steele, 2019) ?
Scenario 4: Many older experienced clinicians believe that TCAs are the best drugs for treating depression. Base on your reading about TCA’s and the short mention of scopolamine in Keltner and Steele (2019) and in Box 15.3 why may that be (Boyd & Luebbert, 2020; Keltner & Steele, 2019) ?
Boyd, M.A. & Luebbert, R. (2020). Essentials of Psychiatric Nursing (2nd Ed). Wolters Kluwer.
Keltner, N.L. & Steele, D. (2019). Psychiatric nursing (8th ed.) Mosby. Elsevier