Question Description
During each round, players choose a move, which may be either Gödishus, Derflürg, Kullen, Koppang, or Songesand. The rules are:
- Songesand beats Kullen, Gödishus
- Kullen beats Derflürg, Koppang
- Derflürg beats Songesand, Gödishus
- Gödishus beats Koppang, Kullen
- Koppang beats Songesand, Derflürg
Your program should behave as follows:
- The rules should be printed to the screen
- The user is asked if they’d like to play a round
- if they choose ‘y’, a round is played
- if they choose ‘n’, the program ends
- Until the user has chosen to quit, another round is played.
- In a round of play:
- The user is asked to enter a move, which may be either Gödishus, Derflürg, Kullen, Koppang, or Songesand. The program should continue to prompt the user until a valid move is entered.
- The computer makes a move at random. (Hint: remember how we generated random numbers in class.)
- The program prints the computer’s move, the user’s move, and who is the winner of this round.
- The user is asked if they’d like to continue.
- When the user has decided to quit the game, the program prints the number of:
- rounds played
- times the user won
- times the computer won
using switch and here is some suggestion:
/* use named constants */public static final int GODISHUS = 0;public static final int DERFLURG = 1;public static final int KULLEN = 2;public static final int KOPPANG = 3;public static final int SONGESAND = 4;/* write a method that is passed two moves and returns who wins */public static boolean userWon(int userMove, int computerMove) { /* good */ if (userMove == GODISHUS && (computerMove == DERFLURG || computerMove == WHATEVER)) /* not as good */ if (userMove == 1 && computerMove == 2 || computerMove .. }/* returns computer's random move */public static int randMove() {...}.../* using the method */int computerMove = randMove();System.out.println("computer entered: " + intMoveToString(computerMove));/* in response to question about what would happen if we really wanted the String representation of a move */public static String intMoveToString(int m) { if (m == GODISHUS) { return "Godishus"; } else if (m == DERFLURG) { ... } etc.}