I’m studying for my Linux class and need an explanation.
Please open the pdf file for complete instruction. You need to do this in Codio website. I will give you login for codio.
Overview: In this milestone, you will demonstrate your ability to navigate the Linux directory structure and run common tasks. Complete this milestone in onesession to confirm that the history log file that you will create contains all of the commands used. If you log out before you complete this milestone, yourcommand history will be reset. Review the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric document to see how this milestone will prepare you for that assignment.You will complete this project in the Codio unit titled “Milestone 1: Tasks and Navigation.” When you complete this milestone, you will download a copy of yourscript and upload it to Brightspace. Refer to the Codio instruction set for information on how to download your history log file.Prompt: Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:I. Navigate: The first step that you will provide evidence for in your log file is to view the following using Linux commands:a. Current directory b. Current userII. File Permissions: Locate the “whoownsme.txt” file and confirm that all users have the ability to execute the file.III. Create Files: Demonstrate your ability to utilize various Linux commands to create text files in unique ways. Create these files in the workspace directory.Ensure the commands in your log file show that your text files were created with two different methods. Create the following files:a. A text file using the vi editor that includes a paragraph of text explaining what you believe is the most complicated part of the final projectb. A text file showing the current month, day, and time (title this file Time_File.txt)IV. In the workspace directory, create a new directory titled Milestone_Files.V. Modify and Move: Utilize Linux commands to rename files and move them to the Milestone_Files directory. Add “_MOVED” to the end of the file name.Remember that your modified files should use an appropriate naming convention such as “XXXX_XXXX_MOVED.txt.”VI. Create a log file of all the commands you have utilized to this point. Title this file Log_File.txt and download it for submission.