Module 6 Discussion: Eugenics, or How We Helped Hitler
Eugenics Movements took root in the early twentieth century in the U.S., and in many other countries throughout the world. Eugenicists wanted to improve the “human race” by discouraging the reproduction of people with “undesirable” genetic traits, and encouraging the reproduction of people with “desirable” genetic traits. Several U.S. State legislatures, including North Carolina’s, enacted Sterilization Laws and created Eugenics Boards to oversee compulsory sterilization during the 1920s and 1930s. Many of these state laws were not repealed until as late as the 1970s.
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Review the pamphlet, You wouldn’t expect , created in ca. 1950 by the Human Betterment League of North Carolina, an organization formed in 1947 to encourage the sterilization of certain Americans. What is/are the message(s) of the pamphlet, You wouldn’t expect ?
What ultimately do you think was the goal of the Human Betterment League of North Carolina?
What is your opinion of the policy of compulsory sterilization during the twentieth century?
To access the digitized pamphlet, go to (Links to an external site.). Use the menu at the left to view all 12 pages of the pamphlet.