Week 2 Discussion
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Read and discuss Jules Verne, Journey, 26-38. Verne was one of the pioneers of science fiction, and remains one of the most translated authors in the world after Shakespeare. Link (Links to an external site.)
Verne’s embrace of technology and exploration led him to predict nuclear submarines, helicopters, and other inventions. How do exploration and technology relate? How is science fiction an outgrowth of travel literature? (as well as detective stories, which we discussed last week)
Also read Sheckley, Specialist, 250-265, Leguin, Nine Lives, 452-476, Kress, Out of all them Bright Stars, 580-586, and Wolfe, Useful Phrases, 675-682. Some questions you might want to address include:
Both “Martian Odyssey” and “Specialist” envisioned types of alien life that are not humanoid. Why is that so often NOT the case?
The idea in “Specialist” that humans are just one part of a larger being is a disturbing one. How do you feel about it? What does the author want us to think or feel?
Would any one here like to meet an alien? Travel to alien planets? Why or why not?
How does cloning change society in “Nine Lives?” Do you think cloning will change our society in the near future?
What does “Nine Lives” tell us about working together?
Do you feel different about identity after reading these stories? Why or why not?