Question Description
part1:The Airport and the Environment
Blog Discussion
During this module, you have been provided with several resources identifying the environmental impact of airport operations. For this activity, you will identify the environmental impact that, in your opinion, presents the greatest concern for airport managers.
In your blog, provide an explanation of your chosen environmental impact with justification and supporting references. Next, you will identify a strategy that could be employed to mitigate your chosen environmental impact. The goal is to engage in a collaborative and constructive debate that promotes critical thought and reflection.
Your initial posts and responses to your classmates need to be thoughtful, thorough, and comprehensive. This means your initial post needs to be about a paragraph and thoroughly explain your answer. Additionally, include a properly formatted in-text citation and reference to support your position. After you create your blog, you will be expected to engage in dialogue with at least one of your classmates. Your responses to your classmates blog entries need to be more than “I agree/disagree.” You need to elaborate and explain why you agree or disagree, and you may even want to ask additional questions.
part2Airport Design and Construction
Presentation Assignment
For this activity, prepare a presentation to solicit support for the establishment of an airport. You will research and select the location for your airport. You may choose any location (national or international) that you wish as well as any type of airport.
Your presentation must include:
- The airport location
- The airport type
- Funding/revenue sources for airport construction and operation
- Steps involved during its design, development, and construction
- Environmental considerations
Your presentation must include a minimum of five, but no more than eight, slides not including the title slide or reference slide, have embedded audio, and include speaker notes.