Please read the following famous movie quotes and then do a Google search (or similar) to find out the titles of the movies that these quotes originate from – do not use Wikipedia.
Please read the questions/instructions after each quote. Answer the questions and write a 150-word analysis of the scene that the quote is taken from. Remember to look for style and storytelling elements such as genre, mise-en-scene, narrative point-of-view and any other unique elements that might make each of these scenes stand out.
Remember is 150 words for EACH of the two scenes you choose, which is 300 words altogether.
Please list and cite any and all SOURCES that you use in MLA 9th Edition style.
Please submit your work as an MS WORD document here. We have to answer both topics Topics: 1. “Say hello to my little friend.”
(a) What particularly stands out in this scene?
(b) Is there a moral lesson in this scene?
(c) What themes and styles is the director of this movie often known for?
2.“Get away from her, you bitch!”
(a) This scene brings to mind the notion of ‘the alienated self’ – what might this mean in this context?
(b) This is a struggle between two opponents who have a couple of characteristics in common. What are some of those characteristics?
(c) Technology plays a large part in this series of movies – it is both reassuring and frightening. Can you elaborate on this idea?