(Worksheet 1) Using the data in the file named Chapter 12: Data Set 2, test the null hypothesis that urban and rural residents both have the same attitude toward gun control. Use the T.TEST function to test the hypothesis. Assume that the variance from each group is equal. Create the table and write the APA description following the example in How to Do a TwoSample (Independent) t-Test in Exce 2016:
(Worksheet 2) Using the data in Chapter 14: Data Set 1 and Excel, compute the F-value for comparison among the three levels representing the average amount of time that swimmers practice weekly (<15 hours, 1525 hours, and >25 hours), with the dependent or outcome variable being their time for the 100-yard freestyle. Answer the question of whether practice time makes a difference. Use the Data Analysis tools and follow the example How to Perform A One-Way ANOVA Test in Excel: