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Abnormal Narcissist Personality Disorder Paper

Abnormal Narcissist Personality Disorder Paper

Abnormal Narcissist Personality Disorder Paper

Directions:Using the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5 (DSM-5), you are to select a Psychological Disorder and prepare a 3 to 4 page (minus title page, abstract and reference page (s) APA formatted research paper.Your topic must be approved by the course instructor who will establish a date by which you must submit your requested research paper topic as well as a date by which the final draft of the paper is due. Please see the course outline for the specific due dates.You are not allowed to write your paper on Schizophrenia or Major Depression, unless you are able to justify to the course instructor how your review of these topics will add value to your learning as these topics are heavily covered in the course lectures.However, most other DSM-5 topics, within reason, could be considered for your paper. You may refer to guidance from the Purdue Owl for additional guidance on APA formatting.You may also consult the instructor for assistance with APA formatting and writing or request other resources to aid your understanding of this important requirement.McMillen librarians will also be available to you to assist with finding content for your paper and compliance with APA format.

In addition, the research paper must meet the following requirements:

Include an APA formatted Title page.Your title page should include a running head as well your name, name of the school, and name of course for which the paper is fulfilling a requirement. The Title page is page 1 of your research paper.(5 points)
Prepare an Abstract page that provides reader with a summary of your paper and the main ideas addressed.Specifically, your Abstract should serve as an Introduction to the topic to be discussed carefully telling the reader what topics are being covered in your paper.The topics being addressed in your paper are covered in the next section of these directions.The abstract is page 2 of your research paper. (15 points)
Text of paper (Review of Literature) should be organized into the following headings:
Identification and description of psychological disorder and symptoms experienced by persons diagnosed with the disorder (15 points)
Gender related information (extent to which it affects men or women or both; and average age of onset of the disease) (10 points)
Etiology (causes) of the disorder (20 points)
Treatments/Interventions:(Both medical (list of name (s) of medicine used to treat the disorder) and identification and explanation of at least one Psychological (psychotherapy) treatment should be addressed in this section.(30 points)
Prognosis for recovery (extent to which people with the disorder recover from it) (10 points)
Future study (based on what you have learned, identification of at least one thing you as the writer would be interested in learning about the topic if you had more time for additional research) (15 points)
Summary statement that provides reader with a quick overview of the key information contained in this paper (3-7 sentences).Could re-use abstract and place in past tense as information already read (5 points)
Your paper must use at least 2 peer reviewed sources.However, your text book MAY NOT be one of the two sources as one of the intentions of the assignment is to get you to read beyond the text book. Examples of acceptable peer reviewed sources or formal periodicals, research articles and books written by experts in the field of Psychology, Social Work, Nursing & Medicine that could be considered experts on the topics being discussed.
You may use the library on line resources that provide a variety of professional articles.However, you must be certain that these articles are formal ones written by experts.

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