Question Description
I’m working on a sociology discussion question and need a reference to help me understand better.
Detailed short answers
1. What is hegemonic masculinity? What makes it unattainable in practice? If it can’t be real, what social purposes does this idea serve? Why would men uphold it, even at the price of their own subordination?
2. Why do the authors call benevolent sexism and hostile sexism Plan A and Plan B respectively, as strategies to ensure women’s subordination? In the development of your answer, give an example of how benevolent sexism and hostile sexism work together to ensure women’s subordination.
3. What is the Men’s Rights Movement and what is it argued to be a reaction to? Why are MRAs, such as Roy Den Hollander, so disapproving of courses about Women and Gender Studies?
4. Both women and men are constrained by the binary gender system. How do the constraints they face differ systematically? Why are women more likely to experience their constraints as unfair?